#2 What's Huang this week...

ChatGPT, OpenAI, MrBeast, and Robots...

As I send this out, I have 22 whopping subscribers! Woohoo! Thanks guys, YOU are AWESOME!

I started this newsletter because I want to:

  1. Help people

  2. Grow a tribe that is interested in the same stuff I’m into

  3. Have a place of creative outlet, unload stream of consciousness

This newsletter is for:

  1. Tech enthusiasts

  2. Marketing careerists

  3. Productivity/growth hackers

Please forward and share to others if you find it helpful. Thanks for stopping by and taking a read.

-Howard Huang

What I read this week

ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI to generate human-like text. Have you used it? Sign up here if you haven’t. It’s now my full time virtual assistant for everything I do, I always have the tab open in my browser.

Time it took to reach 1M users

  • Netflix - 3.5 years

  • FB - 10 months

  • Instagram - 2.5 months

  • ChatGPT - 5 days!

Master the ChatGPT Prompt - Great resources

ChatGPT API is coming to Microsoft Azure

Google says, AI written content is ok as long as it’s helpful, as it pertains to gaining visibility in search results. //rubs hands together

My favorite prompt

  • Role playing - “Pretend that you are [insert a persona ie: the hiring manager for a high tech firm interviewing a candidate for VP of Marketing]. Ask me interview questions for the role after I say Hi. Hi.”

New Apple products quietly released this week

  • The original HomePod was released back in 2018. 5 years later, they finally launched gen 2. Yay!

  • New MacBook Pros and Mac mini’s launched with M2 chips. Superb upgrades if you’re coming from an intel Mac.

The Oatmeal created a NSFW random comic generator - not sure if powered by AI? It’s fun.

What I watched this week

Went down a MrBeast rabbit hole. 24 year old Jimmy Donaldson (aka MrBeast) has 128M subscribers and is now the most popular individual YouTuber.

Key takeaways from the Lex Fridman interview:

  • #1 YouTube Advice - it starts with the thumbnail

  • Nothing is by accident or luck. Everything in the video - script, pacing, length, voice intonation, stunt, etc is all planned out

  • One day, he wants to do a $1 Billion dollar giveaway video (make sure you’re subscribed)

  • Consistency and hard work is key

Fun MrBeast videos

Boston Dynamics released a new humanoid robot video that fetches a work bag and does a finishing b-boy move to remind everyone dance moves is the #1 problem in robotics. //sarcasm

What I did this week

Started this newsletter :-)

What I thought about this week

Creating Notion Templates - I create a lot of templates, usually from scratch. I should really stop doing that, saving it, and sharing it with others.

99% perspiration, 1% ideation - Stop thinking about the $1 million idea and start taking action on the $1 dollar idea.

Garbage bags is the only thing we intentionally buy to throw away.

I’m 99% sure the city doesn’t recycle anything I put in recycling bin. Can someone confirm?

Trader Joe’s buyer persona is an unemployed professor.

Newsletter header image - I need one created. For now, it’s a studious retriever, next to hamburger, neon meow.

Stupid idea of the week - Use text to image ai (Dall-e, midjourney, stable diffusion), import generated image into meta AR spark studio, publish tons of AR face mask filters on FB and Instagram.

Quote of the week

“I’m brutally honest, because the price of admission to being in the room with me is I get to tell you you’re full of shit if you’re full of shit, and you get to say to me I’m full of shit, and we have some rip-roaring fights. And that keeps the B players, the bozos, from larding the organization – only the A players survive. And the people who do survive say, ‘Yeah, he was rough.’ They say things even worse than ‘he cut in line in front of me,’ but they say, ‘This was the greatest ride I’ve ever had, and I would not give it up for anything.’”

– Steve Jobs, 2011

Stop by and say hi. Love to hear what you guys think about the newsletter. See ya next week!